Saturday 15 February 2014

Let's see if I can do this

In my pursuit of contributing something to the world and doing what some can call a "worthy" thing on my time, I'm going to revive this blog. I checked and realized that I had this blog now for over four years now and yet I don't have a single post worth reading. Sure you can read about my rants and random posts but I myself is ashamed I published those. In this past year of me lurking on different social network accounts, I learned one thing which is never post anything that in a months time you would be ashamed that you posted it. Did that make sense?

A lot happened to me this past year, I don't know if those things would count as experiences but I'm sure they changed me alright. This past year have been the time for dwelling and thinking about things. I think all of us would reach a point in our lives where we established the things we want, need, hate and the ones we can live with. I am not in anyway ready for the said changes, I don't even know if I can get over them.

I now own three blog accounts, one from this site and the other two from Tumblr. I have to be honest, managing the last two is way easier. I don't know if I can continue with reviving this one but I'll try.

Kimberly x

Sunday 18 March 2012